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June 6th- Morning at the Museum 9:15am-10:15am am Come enjoy our clay projects of American Symbols and hear our Presidents of the United States Song! Also enjoy the first grade and their animal habitat walking museums!


We enjoyed some extra outside time this week. It was great to be outdoors! We wrapped up our unit about taking care of the Earth, so hopefully students are holding you responsible at home to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Our class got into a pretty lengthy discussion about lunch and the amount of waste our school makes using styrofoam trays ever day and plastic sporks and straws. Did you know it takes 100 years for one styrofoam tray to decompose? We use hundreds here each day! We came up with different solutions and talked about what WE could do. We ended up writing Opinion letters to Mrs. Paulen and expressed our concern and solutions. We delivered the letters to her and she said she would read them and contact the food service company to see some options. I was so proud of them!

Literacy & Social Studies:

Our new unit explores the lives and legacies of five famous presidents and introduces students to several national symbols, including the American flag, the Statue of Liberty, the White House, and Mount Rushmore. We begin by hearing about the branches of the government and the role of the president. We will also build on information learned in the Columbus and the Pilgrims and the Colonial Towns and Townspeople domains.

This week we started to learn about one of our country’s founding fathers: George Washington. We heard about the legend of Washington and the cherry tree (enjoyed some cherries), Washington’s role as a general in the American Revolution, and his role as the first United States president. Next week, we will talk about Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and his role in drafting the Declaration of Independence.

The students have been introduced to different American Symbols and have chosen one to make out of clay and write about. These will be on display at the museum June 6th.

Many of you have asked about the Presidents song we are learning for the museum. YES! we are learning all 45 presidents. If you would like to check it out or get some practice in at home, here is the link.


This week we continued to learn about graphs. Here are the steps we are following when creating a graph:

1-pose a question

2- Collect data

3-make a graph (bar, tally, circle, picture)

4- Analyze the data

This week we had fun using these steps and collect different types of data and graphing it

We also are continuing to work on our addition and subtraction skills to be confident and fluent.

Amy Hutton Triathlon:

Today each student at F.V. is bringing home our traditional fundraising explanation. This year we are doing a Triathlon! Amy was a former teacher who had a positive impact on many Forest View students. The proceeds will help fund the Amy Hutton Scholarship for former F.V. students and books to build classroom libraries. This will take the place of the Color Run we have done in the past.

Congratulations to Hans, Luke and Jase (can't locate my picture of Luke and Jase!) for passing all his Candy Words!

Have a wonderful weekend! Only 3 more Mondays to go!


Quick Look:

May 24th- Amy Hutton Triathlon- wear comfy clothes and tennis shoes

May 27th- No School Memorial Day

June 5h- 4th Grade Graduation

June 6th- Morning at the Museum 9:0am-11:00 am Come enjoy our clay projects about American Symbols and hear our Presidents of the United States Song! Get to also see the first grade and their habitat walking museums!

June 10th- FV Center Lake Field Trip


June 16th- Father's Day

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