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Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. I am very thankful for each one of my students. I am also thankful for our families!

Our third grade helpers helped us make turkey hats today instead of our literacy stations. Hard to get everyone looking! Can you tell they are gobbling!

Here are some things we are working on.

Math: Our unit for the next few weeks has us working with comparing measurable attributes. We are learning about height, length, capacity, and weight. We compare objects and use vocabulary like taller, shorter, longer, more, less, the same.

Another important skill we are working on includes making combos of 5. This means if students are given a number like 3, they provide how many more to get 5 which is 2. 3 and 2 are partners to make 5. This is the beginning of addition and building our number sense.

Phonics: We continue to work on building words and reading words. Students are learning about vowels and consonants. The vowels tend to make your mouth open wider when you say the sound. The /e/ sound and /a/ sound can be difficult to hear the difference. As you are having your child read words to you, be sure they are saying the correct sounds and putting the word together correctly to read the word.

Literacy & Science: This week we talked about the difference between deciduous trees (they loose their leaves in the fall) and evergreen trees (have needles and stay green all year).

Thank you for all the donations to the can food drive. We collected a lot of donations and it was great to see the students bring them to the assembly. Next week we are collecting coins for Project Christmas. The 3rd and 4th graders shop for toys and are able to take them to the Wex for Project Christmas. But the class who gets the most coins wins a prize!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Dates to Remember

Nov. 22 & 23rd NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 26th- Late Start classes start at 10:05

Dec. 10th- Holiday Concert

Dec. 11th PTO meeting at 5:30 at F.V.

Dec. 17th Late Start Classes start at 10:05

Dec. 24th-Jan.2nd Winter Break

Jan. 3rd School resumes

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