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Plants, Pollination, and Apples

I hope everyone had good luck hunting this week! Many said they were heading out with their families. If you shot a deer, please send a picture! The students would love to see it! Our family hasn't gotten a deer yet......

Math: This week we are finishing up our unit on comparing numbers and groups of objects. We used the vocabulary "more", "less", "same", "equal". We also compared groups and talked about how many more one group has than another and how many less. This can be a tricky activity. Have fun working with cereal at home and comparing groups with no more than 10 in each group. Next week we will start a unit on measurement and work in those numbers 11-20 (teen numbers).

Phonics: We added the sounds s, f, v,z, p and the vowel e this week. Please check the folder for a practice game. I know sometimes it is confusing whether the vowel is a /e/ or /a/ sound, so extra practice can always help.

Literacy: We continued our study of plants and fruit this week. We talked about fruit and their many seeds. We also learned about Pollination. Pollination is when pollen is taken from one flower and put into another flower. We learned about honeybees and how they pollinate flowers so that can create seeds. Students participated in a fun pollination activity using Cheetos and a sweet drink (nectar). Ask your child about it!

We also learned about the life cycle of an apple and about John Chapman (aka Johnny Appleseed) and also made some yummy applesauce.

Congratulations to Hans our STAR student of the week. Hans is a hard worker. He loves learning new things. Hans is a great partner when playing games and has a great laugh!

Upcoming Important Dates


In November, Mrs. Paulen has challenged our school to collect can goods and line our school with the donations. Can we line all the halls in our school? Items such as peanut butter, tuna fish, canned fruit and boxed macaroni and cheese are all in demand. We are also collecting new toys to donate to Project Christmas!

Nov. 22 & 23rd NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 26th- Late Start classes start at 10:05

Dec. 10th- Holiday Concert

Dec. 11th PTO meeting at 5:30 at F.V.

Dec. 17th Late Start Classes strata 10:05

Dec. 24th-Jan.2nd Winter Break

Jan. 3rd School resumes

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