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We had so much fun on our Halloween Hike on Wednesday! What an amazing job the PTO did decorating the forest. The trail was in perfect condition for the kids to walk and enjoy the decorations. The weather was perfect. We also enjoyed wonderful apple slices with the caramel that you donated- THANK YOU!

Thank you to the parents who came and helped with our walk and after! I appreciate it and the kids loved it!

It was a great fall day! Enjoy the pictures.

We still were able to gets lots of work done this week, here are some things we worked on:

Literacy: We started our unit on Plants.

There are millions of living things on Earth. Scientists classify these living things into groups called kingdoms. Plants make up one kingdom in this classification system. Over 350,000 species of highly diverse plants are found on almost every part of the earth. By listening to the read-alouds in this unit, students will acquire a fundamental understanding of the parts of plants and how they grow. They will learn what plants need in order to stay alive and will be introduced to the concepts of the life cycle of plants, pollination, and photosynthesis.

It seems strange to be talking about plants now in November, but it lays the foundation for our units that follow.

Math: We are conquering those numbers 6-10. We will continue to work with numbers 1-10 for a while, but dig a little deeper. Students are introduced to the vocabulary "more" "less" "same" "before" "after". We have been Comparing sets of objects using math talk and showing why we think that.

Phonics: We are reviewing letters and sounds m,t,d,c,g,o,a, n.

Adding motions to those letters and sounds to help with retention. A paper will be put in the home/school folder as a reference to the motions. At our group time we are working on taking those sounds and building words cat, dig, got, etc.

In the home/school folder I added a spot where I can put things for review and extra practice at home! I know the kids love to show you what they can do! Thank you for practicing and for following through at home- it makes a huge difference.

Enjoy your weekend and hopefully everyone recovers from their sugar high!


Upcoming Important Dates


Nov. 12- Picture Retake Day

Nov. 13th- Forest View PTO @ 5:30

Nov. 15th NO SCHOOL- deer day

Nov. 22 & 23rd NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 26th- Late Start classes start at 10:05

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