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Getting Ready for Halloween

Halloween is Wednesday Oct. 31st in the afternoon!

Here is what you need to know!

October 31st- Halloween Day- Wear black, orange and tennis shoes for the Halloween Hike. No costumes needed that day- but if they want to wear one, they can. Just make sure it is comfortable and easy.

Forest View has this amazing tradition of a Halloween Hike through the trails behind our school. The PTO decorates the trail for us and the kids LOVE it. We shy away from the big parties, so costumes are not necessary. We will just put it on before the hike. If it is raining, bring an umbrella and raincoat, we will probably still walk. Dress really warm! Hats and gloves. If you would like to walk with us, let me know too! Afterwords the students will enjoy an apple bar dessert.

We are in need of volunteers to help at the apple bar at on Halloween. We are also looking for donations of individual Carmel cups. If you would be willing to do or send in one of those things, please let me know.

We will not have school Friday, Nov. 2nd for a Teacher Inservice Day.


This week we listened to many great Folktale stories. We learned that Folktales are stories that are passed down from generation to generation. We also leaned that Folktales are Fiction (make-believe). The kids put together that is often seems that everything works out for the characters in Folktales- that is because they are learning a lesson about something. We compared many characters in the stories too. I hope you enjoyed your retelling of The Three Little Pigs.


We finished up our unit on digging into numbers 1-10. It is now an expectation that students should be able to recognize, write, and count numbers 1-10. We also talked about what comes before and afterand compared these numbers. Which one has more and which one has less?


We have been working with these sounds so far: /m/, /k/, /t/, /g/, /a/, /o/, /i/. Students are listening for those sounds at the beginning of words and also using those sounds to blend words together like mom, dad, tag, mad, mat, dig.

Practice Homework:

Lots of kids like to do "homework" at home. I have had parents asked about extra practice. I will be sending home a sheet in the home/school folder for you to practice word making at home. There is not an expectation that the homework be returned and graded but your child might want to send it back and show me. It is just a chance for your child to show you what they know and are working on! Have fun!

This week we sent a baggie with sounds we have learned so far and a list of words your child can make. Pay attention to the beginning and ending sounds as well as the vowel in the middle and see if they are matching the correct sound with the correct letter. Sometimes they are having trouble hearing the difference between /o/ and /a/.


We continued our unit on the moon. On Wednesday we had a full moon. I hope everyone was able to check it out. Students learned about craters and how they are formed. I hope everyone was able to see the full moon! It was awesome and perfect timing.

I hope you have a wonderful fall weekend and I look forward to Monday! If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!


Upcoming Important Dates


Nov. 2nd- No School- teacher inservice

Nov. 12- Picture Retake Day

Nov. 13th- Forest View PTO @ 5:30

Nov. 15th NO SCHOOL- deer day

Nov. 22 & 23rd NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 26th- Late Start classes start at 10:05

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