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Our 5 Senses

This week we combined our Science with our Literacy. We have had fun learning all about our 5 senses- Touch, taste, smell, see, hear and feel.

Literacy and Science: The color of the sky, the sound of a dog barking, the scent of a rose, the taste of chocolate cake- everything that we know about the world comes to us through our 5 senses. Each of the senses responds to specific stimuli in the world around us, and each uses a unique part of the body to take in information. This week we broadened our knowledge of the human body and explored the senses.

To kick off our 5 senses unit, I brought in my old trusty popcorn machine and we used all our senses as we made and ate popcorn!

Phonics: Students are working on how many sounds they hear and counting those sounds. If Mrs. O says the word cup, the students use their arm to say /k/ /u/ /p/. We also are listening for how many words are in a sentence and counting those words. This week we also used our names and listened for the beginning sound.

Writing: We continued work on stokes like + sign and X. We also continued practice with our pencil pincer grip and sitting with our feet flat on the floor. Name writing practice continues. We write our names with a capital at the beginning and the rest are lowercase letters.

Home practice: Counting to 20, writing our first name, and writing numbers 0-5 are all great things to work on at home.

Congratulations to our new STAR student this week- Lainey!

Lainey is a kind friend to everyone. She is always spotted doing the right thing and modeling expert behavior. Keep it up Lainey!

Next week is parent teacher conferences. Our school has two half day dismissals. I am excited to meet with each of you on Thursday for conferences.

Important Dates coming up!


  • New calendars have been put in the home school folders for October.

  • Library books need to be returned by Tuesday

  • Candy Bar money is due Oct. 8th

  • Wed. Oct. 10th- early dismissal at 1:15pm

  • Thursday Oct. 11th- early dismissal at 12:10pm PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES

  • Oct. 15th- Late Start at 10:05am

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