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A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener

The first full week of Kindergarten is under our belt! Yay! It was a good week. We were able to get to the "meatier" things at school. I thought I would share with you a bit about a typical day for us so you can understand more what we are working on:

  • Quick morning work, empty folders, do lunch count, etc.

  • Breakfast- every student enjoys filling their tummies and catching up with thier friends in the classroom as they have breakfast.

  • Calendar on the smart board to help us with the days of the week, counting, the date, graphing and being prepared with the schedule for the day.

  • Phonics: is our time when we we are really working on those fine motor skills. This week we practiced making vertical and horizontal lines. We also practiced good posture while "writing" with feet on the floor flat and "pinching" the crayons with our thumb and pointer finger. (Since its Kindergarten we had to use some shaving cream and sidewalk chalk to practice our lines.

  • Math: Learning the expectations of math time, how to use "math talk" and starting with number sense and counting.

  • Lunch and rest time: where we let go for 25 minutes and just relax our brains

  • Language Arts: We are working on nursery rhymes. Our focus has been the main character and the main events in the rhymes. Along with hearing those rhyming words.

  • Science: We are learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We saw 5 butterflies hatch and we released them in the garden outside our classroom.

  • Social Studies: Our focus right now is talking about rules, laws and authority.

  • Recess

  • Interventions: This will be the time when we ability group the students to help them progress and move forward with the skills they are working on. Right now we are working on some oral language and rhyming activities.

  • STEM activity to go along with our learning for the week. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Each week the students will be presented with a new STEM challenge where they can go through the process of defining a problem, brainstorming a possible solution, planning, creating, and improving upon their plan.

  • Centers- our time to pick a station and play with our friends and work on taking turns and helping each other.

Of course we have Music, Gym, and Art in there too throughout the week!

Our class is busy and fun. We are getting the routines down and getting to know each other. I love how everyday they come with a smile and leave with a high five! (Although I am sure they are exhausted and cranky at home!)

At home, you can go through the nursery rhymes coming home in the folder with your child and go over some of the rhyming words. Talk about some of the vocabulary words too and see if they can tell you what they mean. These nursery rhymes help us hear rhyming words.

Another great home activity is to practice name writing. The first letter is capital and the rest of the letters are lowercase.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please call or e-mail me. Have a great weekend!


Important Events:


-Students are bringing home a paper about Food Bags. If you are interested in receiving a food bag each week, please fill this out and return in ASAP.

Sept. 20th- Picture Day :)

Sept. 21st- Egg drop experiment. We are learning about Humpty Dumpty. A note came home about a box to make at home with your child. This is a fun family activity. Bring the box to school on the 21st and we will add an egg in the box. We will drop the box from a tall ladder and see if the egg survives the fall.

Sept. 24th- late start Monday, classes start at 10:05

Sept. 28th- 1 hour early dismissal at 2:40 for the homecoming parade.

Homecoming Details:

Friday, September 28th there will be a one hour early dismissal. Kindergarten students are invited to join Forest View to watch the parade. Only the 3rd and 4th grade students are allowed to walk in the parade.

PTO will be roping off an area along the parade route across from the skate park. Look for red, yellow, and blue balloons. We would love to see you there!· Students may wear their blue STAR shirt to show Forest View school pride. This years theme for homecoming is Cartoons. Forest View has chosen a Peanuts theme.

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